Payment Issue


If you have any issue with paypal payment please refer to our paypal manager discord to get help.

Go in the ticket channel and select " Tz Payment Issue ", support team will help you as fast as possible.

Credit / debit Card

If you have any issue with Credit/debit Card payment please create ticket on our website to get help.

Be sure to include your email and the issue you have to be sure that our support team is able to help you.

Other Information


Paypal Payment only support friend & family payment. If you do not have this option do not send the money. Be sure to send the EXACT amount & currency to the give paypal email to be sure to receive your product right after.

Credit / debit Card

If you have any error be sure that you have the funds on your bank account. Try without a vpn & with a vpn. Your bank might ask for confirmation for security reason, be sure to be able to accept the transaction.

Last updated