Puts your health to max
Puts your armor to max
Lets you fly through walls, binds for movement & speed is configurable
Makes you invisible
Speed Run
Lets you run faster, configurable speed
Makes it so you cannot die
Speed Swim
Lets you swim faster, configurable speed
No Ragdoll
Makes it so you cannot ragdoll
Teleport Option
Lets you teleport to either the nearest car, the nearest player or waypoint
Full Custom ESP
Lets you see players through walls
Static Boxes
Puts static boxes around other players that you can see through walls
Dynamic Boxes
Puts dynamic boxes around other players that you can see through walls
Lets you see players skeletons through walls
Shows what weapons someone is holding through walls
Player ID
Shows someones player ID through walls
Draws lines to other players through walls
Armor Bar
Shows how much armour players have through walls
Health Bar
Shows how much health players have through walls
Configurable Radar
Lets you get a radar which you can see cars, players and names. Configurable with size and zoom
Full Custom Aimbot
Moves your cursor towards a target at a configurable speed, also lets you configure FOV .
Full Custom Magic Bullet
Lets you shoot people through walls
Full Custom Silent Aim
Hits a target if it is a configurable FOV, hitchance and Random bone is also available.
Full Custom Trigger Bot
Shoots if you are aiming at a target
No Spread
Removes spread
No Recoil
Removes recoil, configurable on how much
No Reload
Instantanious reloads
Freeze Ammo
Makes so your ammo freezes
Explosive Ammo
Creates an explotion when shooting
Damage Multiplier
Mulitiples damage done to an enemy, configurable on how much
Friends List
Lets you add friends that for ex. aimbot wont lock onto
Teleport to Vehicle
Teleports your character to the chosen vehicle
Teleport Vehicle to me
Teleports the chosen vehicle to your character
Boosts your car forward
Car Color
Lets you configure the color of the car
Repair Vehicle
Repairs the vehicle
ESP Vehicle with selector
Lets you see cars through walls, configurable on what cars
Auto Farm GLife
Lets you autofarm on GLife
Auto Loot
Autoloots on GLife
Lets you see bags through walls
List Player
Lets you see a list of player, which you can teleport to and add as friends. Also you can see additional information about them such as Player ID, Armour and Health
Config System
Lets you load configs
Color System
Lets you change the color of the menu
Bind System
Lets you choose binds form different things, such as Panic button, Open key, Streamproof, Heal key, Armour key, ESP key and Invisible key
Streamproof on Discord, Windows and all Recorder Software.
Invisible on PC
You cannot see the cheat on your pc.
No Injection in FiveM
Injection happen before you start Fivem
Can use Reshade & ENB
Last updated